Basic Commands



Toggle your AFK status


Open the server support menu


Claim your 4hr, daily, weekly, and monthly rewards

/delhome <name>

Delete a home


Get the discord link


Get the dynmap link


View upcoming events


Open the Help menu

/helpop <message>

Send message directly to all admins


Open the buyable Heads menu

/home <name>

Teleport to a specific home


Open your Homes GUI


Hide/show item frames


Open the Kits GUI


Send, read, or clear your mail

/msg <player> <message>

Directly message a player


Configure options for yourself


Check your playtime


See details about your current mobcaps

/r <message>

Respond to a direct message


View ranking info GUI

/ranksync <key>

Sync discord role with in-game rank


Claim your 4hr, daily, weekly, and monthly rewards


Random teleport


See the server rules

/seen <player>

Check when a player was last seen online

/sethome <name>

Set a home point


Dismount an entity riding you


Sit where you're looking


Teleport to spawn


End your own life


See your in-game playtime


Toggle the quickboard on or off

/tpa <player>

Request to teleport to a player


Cancel a teleport request you've sent


Accept a teleport request

/tpahere <player>

Request someone to teleport to you


Deny a teleport request that was sent to you


Opens the voting GUI


Lists all vote links in chat


Show current voteparty status


Shows your current vote streaks

/warp <name>

Warp to a specific warp point


Opens the warps GUI


Get the website link in chat


See quick, basic, useful information, mostly for newer people


Random teleport


Displays your held item in chat and discord


Displays the contents of your ender chest in chat and discord


Displays the contents of your entire inventory in chat and discord, including your armor and amount of XP

Last updated