Infinity Recipes
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Last updated
All recipes in this category require an Infinity Workbench to craft. Be sure to utilize the Recipe Book at the top! When opened, it allows easy crafting by clicking the Nether star to add all required components from your inventory! Can do single or multiple crafts with left and right click.
A production tab is not included in this section, as all machines are, for the most part, super powered versions of lesser machines!
When using the Slimefun guide's search function, these recipes do not show properly. You must navigate to Infinity Expansion -> Infinity Recipes
Description: Machine Component. Strictly used for Infinity Recipes
This item can be crafted in an Infinity Workbench
Description: Machine Component. Strictly used for Infinity Recipes
This item can be crafted in an Infinity Workbench
Description: Harvest Void Bits from nothing.. Speed: 64x, 24,000 J/s
This item can be crafted in an Infinity Workbench
Description: Quickly Condenses large amounts of resources. Speed: 64x, 2,400 J/s
This item can be crafted in an Infinity Workbench
Description: When powered, transforms into a bedrock. Will revert once unpowered or broken. 20,000 J/s
This item can be crafted in an Infinity Workbench
Description: None. Generates Cobblestone Speed: 64x, 1,600 J/s
This item can be crafted in an Infinity Workbench
Description: Automatically grows, harvests, and replants crops. Speed: 64x, 1,800 J/s
This item can be crafted in an Infinity Workbench
Uncraftable on MCT due to performance issues with Crop Growth Accelerators & Exotic Garden plants. Temporary until fix.
Description: Automatically grows, harvests, and replants trees. Speed: 25x, 3,600 J/s
This item can be crafted in an Infinity Workbench
Description: Converts Cobble into Dusts. Speed: 16x, 14,400 J/s
This item can be crafted in an Infinity Workbench
Description: Forms ingots from dusts. Speed: 16x, 14,400 J/s
This item can be crafted in an Infinity Workbench
Description: Automatically mines overworld and nether ores. Speed: 64x, 72,000 J/s
This item can be crafted in an Infinity Workbench
Description: Helmet. Provides Aqua Affinity X, Protection 20, Night Vision I, Conduit Power I, Elytra Crash Immunity, Soulbound. Unbreakable
Unbreakable is disabled on MCT!
This item can be crafted in an Infinity Workbench
Description: Chestplate. Provides Protection 20, Thorns X, Stength II, Resistance 1, Fire Resistance 1, Bee Sting Immunity, Soulbound. Unbreakable
Unbreakable is disabled on MCT!
This item can be crafted in an Infinity Workbench
Description: Leggings. Provides Protection 20, Thorns X, Haste III, Regenration I, Saturation I, Radiation Immunity, Soulbound. Unbreakable.
Unbreakable is disabled on MCT!
This item can be crafted in an Infinity Workbench
Description: Boots. Provides Protection 20, Speed III, Dolphins Grace I, Soulbound. Unbreakable
Unbreakable is disabled on MCT!
This item can be crafted in an Infinity Workbench
Description: Shield. Provides Protection 20, Thorns X, Soulbound. Unbreakable
This item can be crafted in an Infinity Workbench
Unbreakable is disabled on MCT!
Description: Bow. Provides Flame X, Infinity X, Power X, Soulbound. Unbreakable
This item can be crafted in an Infinity Workbench
Description: Axe. Provides Efficiency 40, Fire Aspect X, Sharpness 20, Soulbound. Unbreakable
This item can be crafted in an Infinity Workbench
Description: Sword. Provides Fires Aspect X, Looting X, Sharpness 20, Soulbound. Unbreakable
This item can be crafted in an Infinity Workbench
Description: Shovel. Provides Efficiency 40, Silk Touch X, Soulbound. Unbreakable.
This item can be crafted in an Infinity Workbench
Description: Pickaxe. Provides Efficiency 40, Fortune 20, Soulbound. Unbreakable.
This item can be crafted in an Infinity Workbench
Description: Gives Unlimited Flight. Right-Click to enable/disable and claim. Crouch and Right-Click to remove ownership.
This item can be crafted in an Infinity Workbench
Disabled on MCT!
Description: Generates power through the compression of Void and Infinity Ingots. 120,000,000 J Buffer, 240,000 J/s
This item can be crafted in an Infinity Workbench
Description: Generates energy from the cosmos. 6,000,000 J Buffer, 120,000 J/s
This item can be crafted in an Infinity Workbench
Description: Do not use more than 1 per energy network. 2,000,000,000 J Capacity
This item can be crafted in an Infinity Workbench
Description: None. Enchants tools, weapons and armor using electricity. Speed: 75x, 12,000 J per use
This item can be crafted in an Infinity Workbench
Description: None. Disenchants tools, weapons and armor using electricity. Speed: 90x, 12,000 J per use
This item can be crafted in an Infinity Workbench
Description: Instantly charges items. Speed 6000x, 60,000 J per use
This item can be crafted in an Infinity Workbench