Cargo Management

XP Cost: 30 Levels

Research Group: Cargo Basics

Description: An important ingredient for items related to Cargo Management.

XP Cost: 30 Levels

Research Group: Cargo Basics

Description: Core component of an item transport network. 5 block range

XP Cost: 30 Levels

Research Group: Cargo Basics

Description: Cargo connector pipe. Used to bridge connections in cargo network. 5 block range

XP Cost: 30 Levels

Research Group: Cargo Setup

Description: Cargo input pipe. Used to output items from a container into the network.

XP Cost: 30 Levels

Research Group: Cargo Setup

Description: Cargo output pipe. Used to output items to a container from the network.

XP Cost: 24 Levels

Research Group: Advanced Output Node

Description: Cargo output pipe. Used to input items to a container from the network. Offers advanced filtering.

XP Cost: 18 Levels

Research Group: Reactor Interaction

Description: Allows you to interact with a Reactor via cargo nodes. Can also be used as a buffer.

XP Cost: 8 Levels

Research Group: Trash

Description: Will destroy all items put into it. Accepts cargo & manual input. Does not work with hoppers.

XP Cost: 30 Levels

Research Group: Automatic Crafting

Description: Important component of Auto-Crafters.

XP Cost: 30 Levels

Research Group: Automatic Crafting

Description: Place this machine on top of a chest or similar and make it craft anything that can be crafted using a normal Crafting Table.

XP Cost: 30 Levels

Research Group: Automatic Crafting

Description: Place this machine on top of a chest or similar and make it craft anything that can be crafted using an Enhanced Crafting Table.

XP Cost: 30 Levels

Research Group: Automatic Crafting

Description: Place this machine on top of a chest or similar and make it craft anything that can be crafted using an Armor Forge.

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